Tobi is a talented Designer known for his creativity and technical skill. With a background in Digital Arts, Video editing and Animation, he excels at bringing virtual characters to life. Tobi's portfolio includes work in Design generally, animated ads, and Virtual Holographic display, edutech contents. He is constantly pushing the boundaries of his craft, seeking inspiration from various art forms and staying up-to-date with emerging technologies. Tobi's attention to detail and ability to infuse personality into his designs set him apart in the industry.

Oluwasanmi Olukolatimi

Tobi is a talented Designer known for his creativity and technical skill. With a background in Digital Arts, Video editing and Animation, he excels at bringing virtual characters to life. Tobi's portfolio includes work in Design generally, animated ads, and Virtual Holographic display, edutech contents. He is constantly pushing the boundaries of his craft, seeking inspiration from various art forms and staying up-to-date with emerging technologies. Tobi's attention to detail and ability to infuse personality into his designs set him apart in the industry.

Available to hire

Tobi is a talented Designer known for his creativity and technical skill. With a background in Digital Arts, Video editing and Animation, he excels at bringing virtual characters to life. Tobi’s portfolio includes work in Design generally, animated ads, and Virtual Holographic display, edutech contents. He is constantly pushing the boundaries of his craft, seeking inspiration from various art forms and staying up-to-date with emerging technologies. Tobi’s attention to detail and ability to infuse personality into his designs set him apart in the industry.

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3D Model
Character Design
3D Design
Advert Design
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Experience Level

3D Model
Character Design
3D Design
Advert Design
3D Animation




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Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment, Gaming, Retail, Consumer Goods
    uniE608 VFX shot
    Her was tasking project that required me to make a presenter interact with 3D objects. This process required tracking and some other VFX process. video animator videoeditor VFXartist 3ddesigner 3dartist.
    uniE621 3D Classroom
    Project handled by me. Was given the task to design a 3D classroom for kids 3ddesigner 3dmodeller 3ddesign designer
    uniE608 Product Visualization of smart glass
    Product modelled, animated, and rendered in Blender. 3Dmodeling 3danimation animator video videoeditor
    uniE608 3D stylized character animation
    The full project was an educational video for kids. A part of the video needed to show a young girl on a track field preparing to run. So i had to design the character and then animate. 3danimator 3danimation 3dartist 3dmodeller video animator videoeditor
    uniE608 Potters Court Stylized 3d character animation
    Given the task to come up with a thank you video at the ending of each online streaming of Potterscourt services. So I Designed and Modeled this character in blender, animation aslo in blender. 3danimator 3danimation 3dmodeller 3dartist video videoeditor animator
    uniE608 3D product visualization and simulation for Holo
    Modeling, texturing,animation and simulation done in blender 3danimation 3danimator video videoeditor animator
    uniE608 Interior Office visualization
    Was given task to designed, texture and animate a proposed office space for Emmerx. 3danimation 3danimator video videoeditor
    uniE608 Stylized Character animation
    A project handled by a set of 5 animators. Handled the Swifty and stretchy character. 3Danimation 3Danimator video videoeditor
    uniE608 3D product Visualization for Hologram Display
    Was required to animate the sneakers show it various physical features. 3danimation 3dmodeling video videoeditor
    uniE608 3D stylized character Animation for Hologram Display
    Was given the task to come up with a 3D character to emphasise on special pakages a brand offers. Just as a sample test. videoeditor animator video
    uniE608 Stylized character animation for Hologram display
    Character designed in Blender 3D and animation done by me. Character showcasing the fun aspect of the brandvideoeditor video 3danimator