Sit somewhere comfortably and relax your body from the head to the feet.
Take a deep breath. Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream.
Throw away every worry and reactionary thinking; empty your mind
Now, think about when you were younger, full of big hopes.
Choose the period of your life where you have the best hopes.
Recall your favorite project you wanted to be as adult.
Take all the time you need to revive your memory.
Recall the person you wanted to be and the energy you had in your gut.
Remember how wonderful your adulthood would be and how…?
All people dream and fall at some moment; but the fortunate ones are only those who after falling once, twice or even thousand times, never give up and all the time remind themselves who they are really; and of course all that pay off and bring the dreams real.
Sit somewhere comfortably; relax your body from the head to the feet; breathe in breath out slowly while relaxing deeper and deeper; then relive your hopes and boost your energy with new image of new you…
@@@…Sit somewhere comfortably and relax your body from the head to the feet.
Take a deep breath. Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream.
Throw away every worry and reactionary thinking; empty your mind
Now, think about when you were younger, full of big hopes.
Choose the period of your life where you have the best hopes.
Recall your favorite project you wanted to be as adult.
Take all the time you need to revive your memory.
Recall the person you wanted to be and the energy you had in your gut.
Remember how wonderful your adulthood would be and how…?
All people dream and fall at some moment; but the fortunate ones are only those who after falling once, twice or even thousand times, never give up and all the time remind themselves who they are really; and of course all that pay off and bring the dreams real.
Sit somewhere comfortably; relax your body from the head to the feet; breathe in breath out slowly while relaxing deeper and deeper; then relive your hopes and boost your energy with new image of new you…