MHX Minds: WebFlow Dev

Web Developer
đź’° Negotiable
đź“Ť United States
MHX Minds
Based in New York, United States
Last online 2 years ago

Web Developer is needed in United States.

Web Developer (WebFlow Front End Dev) needed to join Mike Hoesten at MHX Minds - a freelance consultant experienced in: program building, account direction, project management, web development, and much more.

The client is looking for a WebFlow Dev (Front End, Responsive Landing Page) Partner, with the following:


  • creative eye
  • attention to detail
  • passion for developing simple, but engaging UX for mobile phones and desktop.

About the project:

User Experience + Content:
Desktop-optimized  and mobile-optimized layouts (provided to developer)
Design includes a grid of 32 images. When selected, each image expands to a modal that displays the details for that fan (animated gif, copy details, 1 general vote button that links to a separate webpage)

Platform + Hosting (Static Page):
We will leverage Webflow for this landing page build. Upon completion minified HTML/CSS/JS will be exported for hosting. 
The website will be hosted as a static frontend on AWS using S3, and served with Cloudfront CDN.

Web Standards: 
Accessibility: site will be accessible to WCAG website compliance standards
Cyber Security: site will follow NIST CSF guidelines 
all content will be secured with same origin policies
all communication will be performed over HTTPS

Alpha - basic functional prototype (with placement content)
Beta - working version (prior to launch)

The website will be launched upon approval of Beta Test Link. 
Following website launch, live testing occurs to ensure the website is functioning properly in live state.
The website will remain live for 12 weeks (from launch date). Resolution plans will be delivered within 24 hours with estimated timing for fix.

Analytics via Google Analytics (delivered to SI weekly via email):
Total # of page visitors (by Day)
Avg time spent on page
Total # of page visitors who click button (by Day)
Unique visitors (by day)

Timeline estimate for build: ~15 business days

In what capacity are you hiring?
On behalf of another company

Where are you in the hiring process?
I’m ready to make a paid hire

Would you like to state a preference for hiring from underrepresented group(s)?
No preference

Where did you find Twine?
You contacted me

Is this an independent one off job, or part of a larger project?
Single job with no follow up work

For what period of time will the freelancer be needed?
More than a week

What freelancer experience level is needed? (per day)
Mid-level (Industry Average): $360-600, Junior: $200-360, Senior: $600-800, Expert: $800+, Beginner: $80-200

What do you need to be developed?

Is this for a new or existing website?

Do you currently own a domain on which to launch the new website?
Yes, I own the website domain

Is the current website static or dynamic?

What programming language is the current website written in?

Is the content for the site ready?
We’re working on it

Posted 2 years ago

No longer accepting applications

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