Paragon Unity : Transstellar Hunter

💰 Negotiable
🌎 Remote
Paragon unity Twine
Based in
Last online 9 months ago

We are looking to hire a skilled 2D or 3D animator for our upcoming project, “Transstellar Hunter.”
This will be a full-time position with the potential for up to 3 seasons of work.

As a company that creates comics and manga, we are now expanding into the world of animation and seeking a talented individual to bring our story to life.

Concept - A group of high level bounty hunters travel across the stars to grab the highest bounties they can, but their biggest job yet is to hunt the galaxies ruling dictator.

The ideal candidate will have experience in mid-level or senior animation roles and be able to work remotely.

We are aiming to announce and launch a Kickstarter for the project in 2024, so there is no set deadline for the project delivery.

If interested, please provide examples of your preferred style and we will consider all offers. Thank you.

In what capacity are you hiring?
On behalf of my company

Where are you in the hiring process?
I will possibly make a paid hire

Would you like to state a preference for hiring from underrepresented group(s)?
No preference

Where did you find Twine?

Is this an independent one off job, or part of a larger project?
Part of a larger ongoing project

For what period of time will the freelancer be needed?
Long term

What freelancer experience level is needed? (per hour)
Mid-level (Industry Average): $35-75, Senior: $75-100

Client contact preference:
- On Twine (contact details private)
Posted 10 months ago

No longer accepting applications

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