Method Resourcing - React Developer 6 month FTC Pro Rata
Web Developer is needed in London, United Kingdom.
Client: Method Resourcing
Location: England, UK
Contract: Full Time
Job Description
Method Resourcing is working with a rapidly growing insurance services partner in the UK to find a Mid-level React Developer for a 6-month FTC. The successful candidate will translate business requirements into technical features through high-quality code and work on various software engineering projects using modern technologies to create cutting-edge applications.
- Proven experience in writing and maintaining high-quality code in front-end technologies like JavaScript and ReactJS.
- Good understanding of web services, including RESTful APIs and working with different message formats like JSON and XML.
- Experience in Agile/DevOps practices, supporting CI/CD and containerization tools (e.g. Azure pipelines, Gitlab, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes).
- Experience with cloud environments (AWS, Azure, GCP) and database technologies (e.g. MS SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB).
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