looking to create a piece of music similar to this but unique to a classic

💰 Negotiable
🌎 Remote
Based in Vaughan, Canada
Last online 3 months ago

Referencing Dvořák’s Symphony No. 9, "From the New World, I’m looking for a music composer who can craft a piece that captures the essence of Dvořák’s style while being original.

Maintaining the Structure: You can create a new composition that follows the same structure (e.g., a symphonic movement with similar sections) but with different melodies and harmonies.

Instrumentation: Use the same orchestration (e.g., strings, brass, woodwinds, and percussion) but compose new themes or vary the existing ones slightly.

Harmony and Melody: Keep the harmonic structure similar but introduce different chord progressions or melodic lines. You can base your melody on the same scale or key but ensure it has a distinct identity.

Rhythm and Tempo: Match the tempo and rhythmic feel of the original piece, but introduce variations in the rhythm or syncopation to make it unique.

Dvořák’s Symphony No. 9, "From the New World

In what capacity are you hiring?
As an individual for a personal project

Where are you in the hiring process?
I’m ready to make a paid hire

Is this an independent one off job, or part of a larger project?
Single job with follow up work

For what period of time will the freelancer be needed?
A few hours

What freelancer experience level is needed? (per hour)
Junior: $25-35

Client contact preference:
- Email

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Posted 3 months ago

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