Very Popular job

A children's novel book illustration

Children’s Book Illustrator
💰 Negotiable
🌎 Remote
Closing date: 12 days left
Applications: 21 freelancers applied
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Based in Lagos, Nigeria
Last online 19 days ago

I am looking for an illustrator for a children’s novel. The project involves creating illustrations that align with my vision for the book and will be a single job that lasts for about a week. I would like the illustrator to work remotely, and I am open to hiring someone at a junior level. I would like to see examples of the illustrator’s previous work that match my preferred style before making a decision.

In what capacity are you hiring?
As an individual for a personal project

Where are you in the hiring process?
I will possibly make a paid hire

Is this an independent one off job, or part of a larger project?
Single job with no follow up work

For what period of time will the freelancer be needed?
Best part of a week

What freelancer experience level is needed? (per hour)
Junior: $25-35

Client contact preference:
- WhatsApp

Twine Pro members will get direct contact details of this client after applying. Upgrade now.
Posted 19 days ago

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