Nairobi Street Vibes

💰 £200.00
📍 Nairobi, Kenya
Based in Nairobi, Kenya
Last online a month ago

Videographer is needed in Nairobi, Kenya.

I need a mid-level videographer for a personal project called “Nairobi Street Vibes.” The project involves capturing iPhone video footage of street scenes in Nairobi, including bus touts and marketplaces. The work will require the expert to be on location for part of the project and is expected to take a few hours.

The budget for this project is £200, and I would like to receive the video within 3-5 days. I have a specific style in mind, inspired by rap videos and double-speed footage from a moving vehicle.

In what capacity are you hiring?
As an individual for a personal project

Where are you in the hiring process?
I’m ready to make a paid hire

Is this an independent one off job, or part of a larger project?
Single job with no follow up work

For what period of time will the freelancer be needed?
A few hours

What freelancer experience level is needed? (per hour)
Mid-level (Industry Average): $35-75

Client contact preference:
- Email

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Posted a month ago

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