Hua Hin Wedding in need of photographer!
Photographer is needed in Hua Hin, Thailand.
I am looking for a wedding photographer for an event taking place in Hua Hin, Thailand. The ideal candidate should have a unique eye and be able to capture moments in a style that stands out from typical wedding photography. This is a single job opportunity, and the photographer will be required on-site for one or two days.
As an agent, my goal is to connect with someone who can provide creative and memorable images for this special occasion. I’m open to various styles and would like to see examples of previous work to assess the photographer’s capabilities.
Can you provide examples of your preferred style?
Open at the moment to different styles
Who are you, and what do you do
Agent looking for wedding photographer
In what capacity are you hiring?
For a client or customer
Where are you in the hiring process?
I’m ready to make a paid hire
What type of work is this?
Single job
What experience level is needed?
Junior: $25-35,Mid-level (Industry Average): $35-75,Senior: $75-100
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