Women Apparel / BTS / Product photoshoot / Instagram content
Photographer is needed in Jaipur, India.
I am looking for a skilled photographer in Jaipur for a personal project focused on women’s apparel. The project involves a one or two-day shoot that includes behind-the-scenes footage, product shots, and content for Instagram marketing. We expect the candidate to provide a team that includes diverse models and to showcase garments creatively. A portfolio demonstrating experience in fashion shoots will be essential for selection. If you’re located in or near Jaipur and fit this description, I would like to consider your application.
Who are you, and what do you do
Personal Project
In what capacity are you hiring?
For a personal project
Where are you in the hiring process?
I’m ready to make a paid hire
What type of work is this?
Single job
What experience level is needed?
Junior: $25-35
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