
I’m a freelance illustrator with more than 25 years industry experience. I love to bring ideas to life and work with brands to build and reinforce their personality and style. I also bring conferences, meetings and focus groups

Rachel Morris


I’m a freelance illustrator with more than 25 years industry experience. I love to bring ideas to life and work with brands to build and reinforce their personality and style. I also bring conferences, meetings and focus groups to life with live scribing and infographics.

Available to hire

I’m a freelance illustrator with more than 25 years industry experience. I love to bring ideas to life and work with brands to build and reinforce their personality and style.
I also bring conferences, meetings and focus groups to life with live scribing and infographics.

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Bachelor of Art at University of Plymouth
January 1, 1997 - June 11, 2000


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    Please see my website and Instagram, @rachelillustration, for examples of my work.

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