Metanoia is process of change for a sound mind, body and soul. These men have learnt that a sound body and good health is key to living an enriched and fulfilling life. After a setback with diabetes, hypertension and other lifestyle disorders, they have re-emerged stronger, healthier and optimistic to…Metanoia is process of change for a sound mind, body and soul. These men have learnt that a sound body and good health is key to living an enriched and fulfilling life. After a setback with diabetes, hypertension and other lifestyle disorders, they have re-emerged stronger, healthier and optimistic to live their second innings to the fullest. video filmmakerWWMetanoia is process of change for a sound mind, body and soul. These men have learnt that a sound body and good health is key to living an enriched and fulfilling life. After a setback with diabetes, hypertension and other lifestyle disorders, they have re-emerged stronger, healthier and optimistic to li…