Salvador began his studies of the clarinet at the conservatory of Vall d’Uixó and the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Valencia, where he also studies piano, harmony, counterpoint, and fugue, completing his academic training with studies in composition at the Conservatorio Superior de Música of Badajoz.
He attended conducting classes with Roberto Forés, Enrique Garcia Asensio, Gilberto Serembe, Manuel Galduf, Jesús Amigo, Miguel Rodrigo Tamarit, and Alvaro Albiach. He completed the course of specialization of conducting in ATLANTIC COAST INTERNATIONAL CONDUCTING ACADEMY where received conducting classes by Luis Clemente and Colin Metters.
He is a member founder of the chamber ensemble Façade and he was the principal conductor.
He has been principal conductor of:
Banda Juvenil d’Algimia d’Alfara (Valencia)
Agrupación Santa Cecilia del Grau de Valencia
Sociedad Unión Musical Santa Cecilia de Moncofa (Castellón).
With this last one, he obtained the second award in the second section of the Certamen de Bandas Provincial de Castellón and the first award with honors mention in the Certamen Internacional de Música “Ciutat de València)
He has been invited conductor in:
Societat Unió Musical de Segorbe (Castellón)
Societat Musical de Benicàssim (Castellón)
Orquestra de la Societat Santa Cecília de Cullera (València)
Banda Municipal de Castelló
Sonido Extremo
Banda Municipal de Música de Badajoz
Orquestra del Conservatori Superior de Música de Badajoz
Banda del Conservatori Superior de Música de Badajoz
Orquesta de Extremadura OEX
Nowadays, He is the principal conductor of the Excelentísima Sociedad Cultural La Filarmónica de Olivenza and a teacher of music theory at Badajoz´s School of Music.
As a composer, he has done many scores for Symphonic Orchestras, Wind Orchestras, Chamber Music, Ensembles, Soloists, piano, or Choirs. His work Exodus won the 2010 Maestro Villa de Madrid award and was premiered for the Symphonic Wind Band of Madrid with Enrique García Asensio as a Conductor.
In the last years, he has compaginated concert works with scoring works for documental, advertisement,s or films.
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