Chelsea Heard is an Illustrator, Character Designer and Animator based in sunny California! Since childhood, Chelsea has always enjoyed utilizing her art as a way to tell stories and draws most of her inspiration from her personal life experiences as well as the world around her. She enjoys experimenting with bold colors, lines, perspectives, facial expressions and exaggerated features when drawing which gives her work a unique look! Curls, was Chelsea’s first children’s book which she illustrated, wrote and published back in 2017 and then created an animated adaptation of it during her undergrad at NYU Tisch School of the Arts in 2022. Curls was inspired by her personal experiences with her curly hair growing up and it went on to win various awards during its film festival rounds, screening at the 2023 LA Shorts, and winning Best Animated Film at the 2023 Cannes World Film Festival. In 2023 Chelsea completed her Masters of Arts at the NYU Tisch IMA Low Residency Program. She presented her thesis titled, Beyond the Spectrum which was a compilation of projected illustrations of various African and African American figures and her grandparents who were Civil Rights Activists. The viewer had the opportunity to listen to the voices of the various figures and at the end hear the intimate interview she had with her grandparents as they dove into what life was like for them during the 1960s. Beyond the Spectrum was presented at Chelsea’s alma mater, Mt. Carmel High School and at the 2023 NYU IMA Thesis Show in Shanghai China! By focusing her work on beauty and diversity, Chelsea hopes to continue to inspire other young women and men of color to love and embrace themselves fully for who they are. She hopes that her work can be a space of healing for herself and a space for others to see themselves in.


5.0 (2 reviews)

Chelsea Heard is an Illustrator, Character Designer and Animator based in sunny California! Since childhood, Chelsea has always enjoyed utilizing her art as a way to tell stories and draws most of her inspiration from her personal life experiences as well as the world around her. She enjoys experimenting with bold colors, lines, perspectives, facial expressions and exaggerated features when drawing which gives her work a unique look! Curls, was Chelsea’s first children’s book which she illustrated, wrote and published back in 2017 and then created an animated adaptation of it during her undergrad at NYU Tisch School of the Arts in 2022. Curls was inspired by her personal experiences with her curly hair growing up and it went on to win various awards during its film festival rounds, screening at the 2023 LA Shorts, and winning Best Animated Film at the 2023 Cannes World Film Festival. In 2023 Chelsea completed her Masters of Arts at the NYU Tisch IMA Low Residency Program. She presented her thesis titled, Beyond the Spectrum which was a compilation of projected illustrations of various African and African American figures and her grandparents who were Civil Rights Activists. The viewer had the opportunity to listen to the voices of the various figures and at the end hear the intimate interview she had with her grandparents as they dove into what life was like for them during the 1960s. Beyond the Spectrum was presented at Chelsea’s alma mater, Mt. Carmel High School and at the 2023 NYU IMA Thesis Show in Shanghai China! By focusing her work on beauty and diversity, Chelsea hopes to continue to inspire other young women and men of color to love and embrace themselves fully for who they are. She hopes that her work can be a space of healing for herself and a space for others to see themselves in.

Available to hire

Chelsea Heard is an Illustrator, Character Designer and Animator based in sunny California! Since childhood, Chelsea has always enjoyed utilizing her art as a way to tell stories and draws most of her inspiration from her personal life experiences as well as the world around her. She enjoys experimenting with bold colors, lines, perspectives, facial expressions and exaggerated features when drawing which gives her work a unique look! Curls, was Chelsea’s first children’s book which she illustrated, wrote and published back in 2017 and then created an animated adaptation of it during her undergrad at NYU Tisch School of the Arts in 2022. Curls was inspired by her personal experiences with her curly hair growing up and it went on to win various awards during its film festival rounds, screening at the 2023 LA Shorts, and winning Best Animated Film at the 2023 Cannes World Film Festival. In 2023 Chelsea completed her Masters of Arts at the NYU Tisch IMA Low Residency Program. She presented her thesis titled, Beyond the Spectrum which was a compilation of projected illustrations of various African and African American figures and her grandparents who were Civil Rights Activists. The viewer had the opportunity to listen to the voices of the various figures and at the end hear the intimate interview she had with her grandparents as they dove into what life was like for them during the 1960s. Beyond the Spectrum was presented at Chelsea’s alma mater, Mt. Carmel High School and at the 2023 NYU IMA Thesis Show in Shanghai China! By focusing her work on beauty and diversity, Chelsea hopes to continue to inspire other young women and men of color to love and embrace themselves fully for who they are. She hopes that her work can be a space of healing for herself and a space for others to see themselves in.

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2D Animation
Book Illustration
Character Design
Fashion Illustration

Experience Level

2D Animation
Book Illustration
Character Design
Fashion Illustration




Bachelors of Fine Arts at New York University
June 12, 2019 - May 16, 2022
2022 Honors Scholar, GPA:3.8
Masters of Arts at New York University
July 17, 2022 - May 15, 2024
GPA: 4.0


2024 Collision Awards: Founding Jury Critic
March 6, 2024 - June 27, 2024
I screened 60 animated film and ranked them and critiqued the material based off the Collision Awards standards!
2023 Cannes World Film Festival: BEST ANIMATION
March 8, 2023 - March 14, 2023
My short animated film CURLS screened here and was awarded, BEST ANIMATION!!
2023 LA SHORTS International Film Festival
June 13, 2023 - June 23, 2023
My short animated film CURLS screened here!
2023 Meet Film Festival: Finalist
May 9, 2023 - May 16, 2023
My short animated film CURLS was screened and was awarded as a Finalist!!
2023 Student World Impact Film Festival: Honorable Mention
February 20, 2023 - February 16, 2023
My short animated film CURLS screened here and received an honorable mention!!

Industry Experience

Education, Media & Entertainment, Professional Services
    Curls was birthed through my personal experiences with my curly hair as a kid. It eventually became a book, which I then decided to turn into a short film! As I've grown, I've learned just how important it is to embrace and love my natural hair. This is a lesson little Mackenzie learns as well and my hopes are to inspire children and adults to love themselves as they are! This process has been a labor of love and I hope you enjoy watching Curls just as much as I had making it!
    Curls was birthed through my personal experiences with my curly hair as a kid. It eventually became a book, which I then decided to turn into a short film! As I've grown, I've learned just how important it is to embrace and love my natural hair. This is a lesson little Mackenzie learns as well and my hopes are to inspire children and adults to love themselves as they are! This process has been a labor of love and I hope you enjoy watching Curls just as much as I had making it!
    uniE613 CURLS Short Film)
    Curls is a short animated film about 5 year old Mackenzie Madison getting ready for school! With her trusty sidekicks Prince, Pacifica & Ollie her blue dinosaur, she races against the clock to tame her curly twirly hair before the school bus arrives! Curls was birthed through my personal experiences with my curly hair as a kid. It eventually became a book, which I then decided to turn into a short film! As I've grown, I've learned just how important it is to embrace and love my natural hair. This is a lesson little Mackenzie learns as well and my hopes are to inspire children and adults to love themselves as they are! This process has been a labor of love and I hope you enjoy watching Curls just as much as I had making it!