
Hi there! My name is Sarah Silva, and I have just arrived to Granada, Spain from Austin, Texas, U.S.A. I plan on working as a model and actress over the span of the next two years! My native language is English and am


Hi there! My name is Sarah Silva, and I have just arrived to Granada, Spain from Austin, Texas, U.S.A. I plan on working as a model and actress over the span of the next two years! My native language is English and am conversational in Spanish. I have been an extra for multiple projects (shows, feature films, commercials), I have done a Hey Dude show commercial, been published twice on the Vogue Photo website, been in a music video and have also been a P.A. on a set before. My Instagram is my online portfolio

Available to hire

Hi there! My name is Sarah Silva, and I have just arrived to Granada, Spain from Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
I plan on working as a model and actress over the span of the next two years! My native language is English and am conversational in Spanish.
I have been an extra for multiple projects (shows, feature films, commercials), I have done a Hey Dude show commercial, been published twice on the Vogue Photo website, been in a music video and have also been a P.A. on a set before. My Instagram is my online portfolio for my work @sarzonmarz
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¡Hola! Mi nombre es Sarah Silva, y acabo de llegar a Granada, España, desde Austin, Texas, Estados Unidos

¡Planeo trabajar como modelo y actriz durante los próximos dos años! Mi lengua materna es el inglés y soy conversacional en español.

He sido un extra para varios proyectos (espectáculos, largometrajes, comerciales), he hecho un comercial de Hey Dude, he sido publicado dos veces en el sitio web de Vogue Photo, he estado en un video musical y también he sido un P.A. en un set antes. Mi Instagram es mi portafolio en línea para mi trabajo @sarzonmarz

Mi correo electrónico es Email not available. Sign in: y mi móvil es_Phone details not available. Sign in:

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Spanish; Castilian


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