Songwriter, Producer, Guitarist, Vocalist, Bassist, Keyboard Player, Trumpet Player, Programmer, Studio Owner, Sound Engineer, Mixing Engineer. Founder and CEO: Great British Records (GBR) Ltd (Full-Service Music Company…Songwriter, Producer, Guitarist, Vocalist, Bassist, Keyboard Player, Trumpet Player, Programmer, Studio Owner, Sound Engineer, Mixing Engineer. Founder and CEO: Great British Records (GBR) Ltd (Full-Service Music Company Featuring Independent Label, Global Music Publishing, Music Marketing & PR Consultancy, Artist Management, Young Songwriter Development...et al). Also Professional Marketer & Advertising Copywriter.WWWSongwriter, Producer, Guitarist, Vocalist, Bassist, Keyboard Player, Trumpet Player, Programmer, Studio Owner, Sound Engineer, Mixing Engineer. Founder and CEO: Great British Records (GBR) Ltd (Full-Service Music Company Featu…
Songwriter, Producer, Guitarist, Vocalist, Bassist, Keyboard Player, Trumpet Player, Programmer, Studio Owner, Sound Engineer, Mixing Engineer. Founder and CEO: Great British Records (GBR) Ltd (Full-Service Music Company Featuring Independent Label, Global Music Publishing, Music Marketing & PR Consultancy, Artist Management, Young Songwriter Development...et al). Also Professional Marketer & Advertising Copywriter.Songwriter, Producer, Guitarist, Vocalist, Bassist, Keyboard Player, Trumpet Player, Programmer, Studio Owner, Sound Engineer, Mixing Engineer. Founder and CEO: Great British Records (GBR) Ltd (Full-Service Music Company Featuring Independent Label, Global Music Publishing, Music Marketing & PR Consultancy, Artist Management, Young Songwriter Development...et al). Also Professional Marketer & Advertising Copywriter.WWWWSongwriter, Producer, Guitarist, Vocalist, Bassist, Keyboard Player, Trumpet Player, Programmer, Studio Owner, Sound Engineer, Mixing Engineer. Founder and CEO: Great British Records (GBR) Ltd (Full-Service Music Company Featuring Independent Label, Global Music Publishing, Music Marketing & PR Consultancy, Artist Management, Young Songwriter Development...et al). Also Professional Marketer & Advertising Copywriter.
Available to hire
Songwriter, Producer, Guitarist, Vocalist, Bassist, Keyboard Player, Trumpet Player, Programmer, Studio Owner, Sound Engineer, Mixing Engineer.
Founder and CEO: Great British Records (GBR) Ltd (Full-Service Music Company Featuring Independent Label, Global Music Publishing, Music Marketing & PR Consultancy, Artist Management, Young Songwriter Development…et al).
Also Professional Marketer & Advertising Copywriter.
Logic Pro
Experience Level
Freelance Gig
Logic Pro
Industry Experience
Media & Entertainment
Favourite Friend
Who could this be about?
audio Alternative Rock RockPop Pop BalladWho could this be about?
audio Alternative Rock RockPop Pop BalladWWWho could this be about?
audio Alternative Rock RockPop Pop Ballad
Soul Meld
Ever tried the Mind / Soul / Body meld?
audio Funk Pop Funk Funky Pop PopfunkEver tried the Mind / Soul / Body meld?
audio Funk Pop Funk Funky Pop PopfunkWWEver tried the Mind / Soul / Body meld?
audio Funk Pop Funk Funky Pop Popfunk
You Were The Only One (I Ever Wanted)
Title says it all really...
audio Alternative Rock Rock AlternativeTitle says it all really...
audio Alternative Rock Rock AlternativeWWTitle says it all really...
audio Alternative Rock Rock Alternative
Simply Complicated
If you wanna dance - you gotta take a chance...
audio Atmospheric Pop Rock Atmospheric Pop Rock PianoIf you wanna dance - you gotta take a chance...
audio Atmospheric Pop Rock Atmospheric Pop Rock PianoWWIf you wanna dance - you gotta take a chance...
audio Atmospheric Pop Rock Atmospheric Pop Rock Piano
Do you want to touch my monkey?
audio Dance EDM Dance PopDo you want to touch my monkey?
audio Dance EDM Dance PopWWDo you want to touch my monkey?
audio Dance EDM Dance Pop
I Love What You're Thinking
Get the funk out...then add some rock guitar...an' that
audio FusionGet the funk out...then add some rock guitar...an' that
audio FusionWWGet the funk out...then add some rock guitar...an' that
audio Fusion
Any Body
Way aye man of course there IS...
audio Ambient Rock Pop SitarWay aye man of course there IS...
audio Ambient Rock Pop SitarWWWay aye man of course there IS...
audio Ambient Rock Pop Sitar
Kings & Queens
Try not to be up your own arse basically.
audio Alternative Rock Rock Alternative RockTry not to be up your own arse basically.
audio Alternative Rock Rock Alternative RockWWTry not to be up your own arse basically.
audio Alternative Rock Rock Alternative Rock
Allez Lu Ya
Trippy rework / remix around sampling from 'Hallelujah' by Happy Mondays. Potential Permission / Royalty Agreement with Hallelujah' publisher / copyright holder(s) currently being sought as @ Feb 2016(with view to possible future release).
audio Trippy Happy Mondays Hallelujah simon desai si…Trippy rework / remix around sampling from 'Hallelujah' by Happy Mondays. Potential Permission / Royalty Agreement with Hallelujah' publisher / copyright holder(s) currently being sought as @ Feb 2016(with view to possible future release).
audio Trippy Happy Mondays Hallelujah simon desai si de si remix reworkingWWTrippy rework / remix around sampling from 'Hallelujah' by Happy Mondays. Potential Permission / Royalty Agreement with Hallelujah' publisher / copyright holder(s) currently being sought as @ Feb 2016(with view to possible future release).
audio Trippy Happy Mondays Hallelujah simon desai si d…
Find Me (For KAM - Demo V.1) EMastered MP3
audio Discoaudio DiscoWWaudio Disco
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