My name is Sarah Wylie, and I am a design student based in Montreal, Canada. I'm passionate about the whole design process from iteration to making, knitting, and crosswords :) I'm a versatile designer with experience ranging from industrial design - 3D modeling, drafting, production - to graphic design - print media, digital media, brand development etc. Having a mechanical engineering background, I love blending technical analysis and creativity when I'm problem solving. I love to get my hands dirty, getting involved in every part of the design process. I truly enjoy meticulously producing technical drawings just as much as messily sketching out ideas for a new piece of furniture, or a logo. --- **Employment experience** **Marketing assistant and graphic designer** University Club of Montreal _July 2023 - May 2024_ **Design consultant** Kawa Boards _June - July 2023_

sarah wylie

My name is Sarah Wylie, and I am a design student based in Montreal, Canada. I'm passionate about the whole design process from iteration to making, knitting, and crosswords :) I'm a versatile designer with experience ranging from industrial design - 3D modeling, drafting, production - to graphic design - print media, digital media, brand development etc. Having a mechanical engineering background, I love blending technical analysis and creativity when I'm problem solving. I love to get my hands dirty, getting involved in every part of the design process. I truly enjoy meticulously producing technical drawings just as much as messily sketching out ideas for a new piece of furniture, or a logo. --- **Employment experience** **Marketing assistant and graphic designer** University Club of Montreal _July 2023 - May 2024_ **Design consultant** Kawa Boards _June - July 2023_

Available to hire

My name is Sarah Wylie, and I am a design student based in Montreal, Canada. I’m passionate about the whole design process from iteration to making, knitting, and crosswords :)

I’m a versatile designer with experience ranging from industrial design - 3D modeling, drafting, production - to graphic design - print media, digital media, brand development etc.

Having a mechanical engineering background, I love blending technical analysis and creativity when I’m problem solving. I love to get my hands dirty, getting involved in every part of the design process. I truly enjoy meticulously producing technical drawings just as much as messily sketching out ideas for a new piece of furniture, or a logo.

Employment experience

Marketing assistant and graphic designer University Club of Montreal
July 2023 - May 2024

Design consultant Kawa Boards
June - July 2023

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Pencil Illustration
Pen and Ink Illustration
Adobe Illustrator
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Experience Level

Pencil Illustration
Pen and Ink Illustration
Adobe Illustrator
Presentation Design
Adobe InDesign
Technical Illustration
3D Design
Adobe Photoshop
3D Model
Social Media Design
Adobe Lightroom
Product Design
Web Design
Email Design
Adobe Dreamweaver
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B. Eng - Mechanical Engineering (incomplete) at McGill University
September 10, 2019 - February 7, 2022
Left to pursue design at Concordia.
BFA, Major in Design at Concordia University
September 6, 2022 - May 1, 2025


Add your qualifications or awards here.

Industry Experience

Professional Services
    uniE621 University Club of Montreal - Website redesign
    While working for the UCM, I updated their visual identity and completely overhauled their website. The UCM is a private member's club in downtown Montreal, which has been operating for over 100 years. The Club's online presence is vital to their operations as members may access information such as the Club events calendar, and register for such events, online. Their old website was informationally out of date and confusing to navigate. I updated it to reflect the more modern, classic aesthetic of the Club while streamlining the information presented to browsers and members. During this I taught myself how to use WordPress, where the website is hosted, as well as some HTML and CSS coding. If you would like to see more, feel free to visit the UCM website here]( graphicdesigner branding webdesigner designer
    uniE621 University Club of Montreal - Social Media + Promotional Material
    I managed the UCM's social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, and Mailchimp. The UCM is a private member's club and so their online presence is vital for members to keep up-to-date with what is going on. As a graphic designer for the Club, I created all their promotional material from print to digital media. I did this while maintaining a cohesive visual presence across all published content. logo photo graphicdesigner branding webdesigner designer
    uniE621 Kawa Boards - Board Design
    I did a contract for a local Montreal stand-up paddle board company to help increase the sale and marketability of their boards. I desgined a range of boards that could be easily painted and reproduced using limited colours and methods, to keep production costs down. I was constrained by the production methods - namely, the stencils for the boards would have to be done with paint or stick-on stencils done using Cricut. It was a fun challenge to generate interesting graphics that were easy to make in the real-world. I suggested multiple colour palettes with the idea that only one would be chosen. I kept the palettes somewhat restricted to keep costs down, but I enhanced their versatility by incorporating shades that could be easily mixed using white paint.
    uniE613 Concordia University - ÉVIDENCE: a (mock) exhibition at the CCA
    This was a final project for a course called Words in Space at Concordia University. Me and my teammate were tasked with designing an exhibition based on a selection of open-source images and accompanying bilingual text, from marketing material for the exhibition to the design of the actual exhibition space at the Centre for Canadian Architecture. I designed the poster for this exhibition. We emphasised the 'urban divide' theme of the exhibition through our selection of images, and their presentation in the exhibition space. Our main motif - the winding road-like lines in the space and in our marketing material - was inspired by our emblematic image, which is on display in this poster. It showcases a city whose industrial/urban areas are divided by a road from a more green/residential area. I designed the poster to highlight the dynamic movement of the road as it cuts through the city. On the poster, I split the title "Évidence" in two, but I visually maintained continuity by extending the bowl of the 'D' - where the title is split - toward the next letter. This split imagery was continued throughout our exhibition. graphicdesigner exhibitiondesign typography
    uniE621 Concordia University - Strega Nona Diptych
    I created this diptych as a set of propaganda-style images inspired by the children's book Strega Nona. In the book, a witch named Strega Nona has a magical pasta pot that never runs out of pasta. She has an assistant named Big Anthony, who is told to never touch the pasta pot. When Strega Nona leaves to travel elsewhere, Big Anthony tries to copy a spell the witch had done to get the magic pot to produce the pasta. He succeeds, but doesn't know how to stop the pasta from being made and soon the town is overrun. Strega Nona returns and rectifies the situation but Big Anthony is vilified. I took a humorous approach to my interpretation of the book. I cast Big Anthony as a communist-style hero who simply tried to provide hsi village with an infinite food source - the magic pasta pot - whose means of production was being otherwise hoarded by the 'evil' witch Strega Nona. I referenced Italian Futurism, which was associated with Mussolini's fascist party and featured in fascist propaganda in the early 20th century. While free food for all would not have necessarily been a motivation for the Italian Futurists and the fascists they represented, I think the connection to political propaganda helped strengthen my message. I also referenced Boticcelli's 'Birth of Venus' - specifically, I rendered the pasta noodles in homage to the winding hair of Venus in the famous painting. graphicdesigner illustrator designer posterdesign
    uniE613 Concordia University - Neighbourfood/Arrondissemets
    These maps were presented as part of a larger poster conveying my team and I's concept for a mobile food-bank service titled Neighbourfood, or Arrondissemets in French. The concept presented, was created for and 'pitched' to the city of Montreal as a city works project. It was a final project for a design theory course, wherein groups of students would use publicly available city data to generate a solution to a problem facing Montreal. My team and I studied calls to 311 for food assistance. My role was processing, interpreting, and presenting the data such that it could be easily understood. I first sorted through the 1000+ calls provided by the city. To do this I used Python to sort the calls based on different demographics. Following this, I extracted the arrondissements with the highest volume of calls per capita, as well as the number of food banks servicing those areas. I then presented this information as a density map, indicating the areas which our project needed to target. graphicdesigner infographic datavisualisation
    uniE613 Concordia University - Leaf Table
    I worked with a team to design, model, and produce this coffee table for a class at Concordia. I took the lead on modeling the table in Rhino, and I created all of the associated technical drawings, only one of which you see here. As a former engineering student I am very familiar and comfortable with technical drawing. I did this assembly drawing, and all the other drawings, in Rhino.
    uniE621 Illustrated Placemats
    I created a set of placemats as a Christmas gift. I illustrated them using Faber-Castell pencil crayons and laminated them so they would be protected from any damage. This set was spring themed. illustrator graphicdesigner designer