
Hi! I'm a freelancer who specializes in acting and performance. I'm from South Bend, Indiana and reside in Chicago! I come from a semi-small town, but moved to a bigger city for more exposure. I am passionate about only


Hi! I'm a freelancer who specializes in acting and performance. I'm from South Bend, Indiana and reside in Chicago! I come from a semi-small town, but moved to a bigger city for more exposure. I am passionate about only working on projects that highlight inclusion, diversity, and changing the status quo. I'm a beginner at creating projects post-college, but have been eager to make more of a name for myself after starring in my first professional gig here at Strawdog Theatre! Post COVID, I have starred in

Available to hire

Hi! I’m a freelancer who specializes in acting and performance. I’m from South Bend, Indiana and reside in Chicago!

I come from a semi-small town, but moved to a bigger city for more exposure. I am passionate about only working on projects that highlight inclusion, diversity, and changing the status quo. I’m a beginner at creating projects post-college, but have been eager to make more of a name for myself after starring in my first professional gig here at Strawdog Theatre! Post COVID, I have starred in numerous online plays and readings, so I have experience with camera work, and voice acting.

Actor Local Theatre Co.
Online Play Reading Workshop - “i know, i know, i know” by C. A. Johnson
April 2021

Actor Clock Productions
Virtual Annual Theatre Festival - “Black Joy”
September 2020

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Actor Showreel


Spanish; Castilian


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    uniE613 BLACK JOY- Clock Productions