Experience in commercial for industries as intern Produced independent feature films as videographer and video editor Produced corporate video for an architect as videographer and video editorExperience in commercial for industries as intern Produced independent feature films as videographer and video editor Produced corporate video for an architect as videographer and video editorWWWExperience in commercial for industries as intern Produced independent feature films as videographer and video editor Produced corporate video for an architect as videographer and video editor
Experience in commercial for industries as intern Produced independent feature films as videographer and video editor Produced corporate video for an architect as videographer and video editorExperience in commercial for industries as intern Produced independent feature films as videographer and video editor Produced corporate video for an architect as videographer and video editorWWWWExperience in commercial for industries as intern Produced independent feature films as videographer and video editor Produced corporate video for an architect as videographer and video editor
Available to hire
Experience in commercial for industries as intern
Produced independent feature films as videographer and video editor
Produced corporate video for an architect as videographer and video editor
Experience Level
Music Video
Corporate Video
Product Video
Math.-techn. Assistant (Computer Science) at n/a
September 1, 1998 - September 30, 1999Internship assistant DoP at RTV
June 1, 1991 - May 30, 1992Qualifications
Internship with Roman Teufel Videoproduktion a.ka. Roman Teufel Filmproduktion
October 8, 2024 - October 8, 2024Industry Experience
Software & Internet, Other
The basement Berlin
Music video Berlin by Tom Westborn.
Directed and edited by Tom Westborn
Camera operator: Ola van Dunen
https://youtu.be/K-yWwuPbFh8?si=J6Mkadoiaejb_6xKMusic video Berlin by Tom Westborn.
Directed and edited by Tom Westborn
Camera operator: Ola van Dunen
https://youtu.be/K-yWwuPbFh8?si=J6Mkadoiaejb_6xKWWWWWWWWMusic video Berlin by Tom Westborn.
Directed and edited by Tom Westborn
Camera operator: Ola van Dunen
Product video: Odoo app
Show cases the usability of using CRM apps on a smartphone to monitor digitized workflows.
https://youtu.be/n3suL9omFgc?si=06zpzayv0AVRRyKcShow cases the usability of using CRM apps on a smartphone to monitor digitized workflows.
https://youtu.be/n3suL9omFgc?si=06zpzayv0AVRRyKcWWWWWWWWShow cases the usability of using CRM apps on a smartphone to monitor digitized workflows.
Mockumentary on Tom Westborn
Tom Westborn on the journey to fame trying to keep up with his own expectations.
https://vimeo.com/1046637940/39185ef152Tom Westborn on the journey to fame trying to keep up with his own expectations.
https://vimeo.com/1046637940/39185ef152WWWWWWWWTom Westborn on the journey to fame trying to keep up with his own expectations.
Black Dads Brunch in Germany
Short episode as to why is there a need of having a conversation with and for black dads in Germany.
https://www.twine.net/signinShort episode as to why is there a need of having a conversation with and for black dads in Germany.
https://www.twine.net/signinWWWWWWWWShort episode as to why is there a need of having a conversation with and for black dads in Germany.
Menu Card
Display a digital menu card for fresh food restaurant.
https://www.twine.net/signinDisplay a digital menu card for fresh food restaurant.
https://www.twine.net/signinWWWWWWWWDisplay a digital menu card for fresh food restaurant.
Fattoush Lebanese Fast Fresh Food
Fast, fresh and healthy food at Fehrbelliner Platz in Berlin, showcase sits various menus on social media.
https://www.twine.net/signinFast, fresh and healthy food at Fehrbelliner Platz in Berlin, showcase sits various menus on social media.
https://www.twine.net/signinWWWWWWWWFast, fresh and healthy food at Fehrbelliner Platz in Berlin, showcase sits various menus on social media.
Day-by-day professional work life at apoprojekt Berlin
Showcases the stressful and successful moments of team 1 at Potsdamer Platz in BerlinShowcases the stressful and successful moments of team 1 at Potsdamer Platz in BerlinWWWWWWWWShowcases the stressful and successful moments of team 1 at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin
Falsum Amici
Music video of Jonny 045 from Hamburg, Germany, shot at various locations.
https://www.twine.net/signinMusic video of Jonny 045 from Hamburg, Germany, shot at various locations.
https://www.twine.net/signinWWWWWWWWMusic video of Jonny 045 from Hamburg, Germany, shot at various locations.
Torch Kapitel I
Music video of the legendary MC Torch which was partially n re-edited by Torch to adjust the actual state of the art of today
https://youtu.be/tR4pRUet8V8?si=I-0ReXugVAZhMpRsMusic video of the legendary MC Torch which was partially n re-edited by Torch to adjust the actual state of the art of today
https://youtu.be/tR4pRUet8V8?si=I-0ReXugVAZhMpRsWWWWWWWWMusic video of the legendary MC Torch which was partially n re-edited by Torch to adjust the actual state of the art of today
Corporate Video of an architect that is working on a project for Dakar's sustainable transportation system
<iframe src="https://www.twine.net/signin allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" class="wistia_embed" name="wistia_embed" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" oallowfullscreen="true" msallowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="360"></iframe>Corporate Video of an architect that is working on a project for Dakar's sustainable transportation system
<iframe src="https://www.twine.net/signin allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" class="wistia_embed" name="wistia_embed" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" oallowfullscreen="true" msallowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="360"></iframe>WWWWWWWWCorporate Video of an architect that is working on a project for Dakar's sustainable transportation system
<iframe src="https://www.twine.net/signin allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" class="wistia_embed" name="wistia_embed" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" oallowfullscreen="true" msallowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="360"></iframe>
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