These expressions are produced at two levels of emotional intensities (regular and strong) except for the neutral emotion that only contains regular intensity.
Each video contains some number of procedure steps to fulfill a recipe. All the procedure segments are temporal localized in the video with starting time and ending time. The distributions of 1) video duration, 2) number of recipe steps per video, 3) recipe segment duration and 4) number of words per sentence are shown below.
This corpus contains 15 spontaneous dialogues and multi-participant conversations by deaf signers, 10 of which were recorded in authentic settings like a deaf club and a bar, 5 were recorded in the lab.
Human lipreading performance increases for longer words, indicating the importance of features capturing temporal context in an ambiguous communication channel.
The database contains 25 Indoor categories, and a total of 1,000 images. The number of images varies across categories, but there are at least 20-30 images per category. All images are in jpg format. The images provided here are for research purposes only.