Raised in the serene countryside of São Paulo, Brazil, and now residing in Toronto Canada, my journey into the realm of animation was ignited when I first encountered Pix...
Connor Wan is a Toronto-based, British-born Chinese professional master of indecision. Mainly working in film, audio, and community organisation, Connor received a BA (Ho...
I'm a freelancer who specializes in music composition, orchestration, sound design, and producing.
Hello! My name is Elizabeth Kyriakides.
I am a composer and so...
Born and raised in Lebanon and now based in Canada, Enzo is a Montreal-based singer and jazz-trained musician blending soul, R&B, and pop into a uniquely melancholic and ...
Mitali is a passionate, and energetic professional with a wide array of experiences; from a small business owner, to a senior tax professional, to a designer in fashion. ...
I am a freelancer Designer and have been in the field of design for more than three decades. Over these 30+ years, I have gained lot of experience and have worked on nume...