Turns WhatsApp chats into Spotify playlists. Made with React, Firebase, Spotify Web API, YouTube API and the Google Docs API. Users can sign up to the app using their Google Account. WhatsApp chats exported as .txt files can be pasted directly into the app, or stored on Google Drive and a file URL provided - the app finds all Spotify and YouTube links shared in these chats and turns them into a playlist. Sharing stats, genre data, chat member leader-boards and sharing options are displayed.
NB: Currently awaiting quota extension request approval from Spotify. Logging in with your personal Spotify account may not yet be possible. Create a Chatchoons account with any email / password, then log into Spotify using these test credentials:
Turns WhatsApp chats into Spotify playlists. Made with React, Firebase, Spotify Web API, YouTube API and the Google Docs API. Users can sign up to the app using their Google Account. WhatsApp chats exported as .txt files can be pasted directly into the app, or stored on Google Drive and a file URL provided - the app finds all Spotify and YouTube links shared in these chats and turns them into a playlist. Sharing stats, genre data, chat member leader-boards and sharing options are displayed.
NB: Currently awaiting quota extension request approval from Spotify. Logging in with your personal Spotify account may not yet be possible. Create a Chatchoons account with any email / password, then log into Spotify using these test credentials:
Turns WhatsApp chats into Spotify playlists. Made with React, Firebase, Spotify Web API, YouTube API and the Google Docs API. Users can sign up to the app using their Google Account. WhatsApp chats exported as .txt files can be pasted directly into the app, or stored on Google Drive and a file URL provided - the app finds all Spotify and YouTube links shared in these chats and turns them into a playlist. Sharing stats, genre data, chat member leader-boards and sharing options are displayed.
NB: Currently awaiting quota extension request approval from Spotify. Logging in with your personal Spotify account may not yet be possible. Create a Chatchoons account with any email / password, then log into Spotify using these test credentials:
Password: chatchoons123